Entering US Market

What are the benefits for UK insurtechs?

1. Access to a streamlined US market entry point via the state of Connecticut joining together existing support, resources and opportunities through a formalised structure.

2. More insurtechs can test their product market fit in Connecticut, a competitive yet forward looking US state, with a good market size, a strong cluster of leading insurance companies, and excellent UK connections.

3. Reduced associated costs of this exploration and establishment so insurtechs aren’t unnecessarily priced out of the possibility.

4. Increased political capital for closer UK-US economic ties and the recommendation within the Kalifa Review to create ‘Fintech Bridges’ to key markets.

Entering UK Market

What are the benefits for Connecticut and US firms and organisations?

1. Coordinated entryway to the UK market via the state of Connecticut, harnessing support, resources and opportunities through a formalised structure.

2. Unparalleled access to industry practitioners, government partners, and regional development agencies in the world-renowned UK insurance marketplace.

3. Providing a unique competitive advantage for US-based insurtech companies exploring the UK insurance ecosystem.

4. Improved resources and more efficient channels for US-based companies conducting business in the UK.

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